Woohoo! We made it through the Smokies!
It took some days on snowshoes, but we finally got the heck out of there. Unfortunately, we are still up at 4,000 and 5,000 ft and we are still in the snow. However, Springer Mtn. gets closer every day, and temps are finally warming- no more 0 degree days! Has been in the 30's and 40's the last few days.
We found that dates are awesome trail food because they are still soft and juicy when everything else is frozen solid. Never underestimate frozen food- one couple we met had to end their hike because he broke a tooth on a frozen Snickers, and the trip to the dentist killed their budget.
Anyhow, we are dreaming of warm, sandy beaches in Hawaii. Until then we will keep on plodding. Anybody interested in being a trailbreaker?