Woohoo! My older brother Bushnell is home from the Marines! He surprised us, driving up from CA without telling anybody he was coming, and drove us to the airport in time to fly out at 1:40am on Aug 28th. I wish that I had more time to spend with him before taking off!
We spent 20 hours traveling, with stops in Pheonix, AZ, and Charlotte, NC, but we made it to Maine.
Woke up to a sunny, hot, 85 degree F day. Our friend Jim Gallea picked us up and gave us a place to stay on his boat, cool. He has family visiting, and we all spent the day at the park and at the beach. Ending with a delicious lobster, mussel, scallop, and salad dinner. Yum!
Gearing up to start our hike with one of the toughest mountain climbs on the trail...
Good travelling you two! Sam says to watch out for ticks. We love you. Thanks for the visit before you left Alaska. Uncle Steve and Aunt Rosie