Monday, December 20, 2010

Damascus, VA

Only 463.5 miles to go!
We got into town today and picked up our snowshoes. Sure could have used them up on Mt. Rogers.
Well, the computer here is running incredibly slooooow, and our camera battery is dying, so unfortunately no pics tonight- but I'm still trying!
Hiking in the snow has been tough, only making 10 miles a day and barely getting in before sunset. A little closer to Georgia every day...


  1. Hey you two! Keep up the good work! I hope you found Ruby's Rest in Damascuss- one of my favorite night's lodging of the whole trail! I hear you on the slow pace, frozen batteries, and need for snow shoes! You are in my thoughts and I am sending you warm vibes from GA. I finished up this morning, but I'm a panty waist blue blazer- I stuck to my rule about walking a continuous line, but will have to come back to the snowy smokies when they are not so blanketed. If you want any tips about alternate routes I'm your hookup:) Stay safe out there & live it up in the winter wonderland of the AT. Merry Christmas! Sage

  2. Hey, if you guys get here in time you can ride back up to Abbington and Damascus, VA with us January 14th, 15th and 16th for the Sleddog races and the Serum Run Reenactment on the Creeper Trail. Bill
